What is Rolfing Structural Integration?
Rolfing® Structural Integration is a type of bodywork or manual therapy in which we use slow, steady, firm pressure to work with the tissues of the body. The main goal is to reeducate the nervous system, create more options for movement, improving the posture and balance within the body so that the forces that work on the body are distributed more evenly and that we can move with more efficiency and so that we struggle less with our bodies. Traditionally we, Rolfers believed we were stretching the fascia, and now we know what we do happens not just at the level of connective tissue, but involves our brain body image, movement patterns, believes about our bodies and all of that happens because of skillful art of touch, ranging from light to deep, ongoing conversation about inner experience of the client and movement that happens in a safe neurologically space.
What is SourcePoint® Therapy?
Source Point Therapy is a form of energy work that supports what we do in Rolfing sessions on a physical level. We work with simple energetic structures within and off the body in a way the brings deep relaxation, that allows restoration of energy levels, improves embodiment and intuition.
What is Rolf Movement®?
Rolf Movement is a complementary modality to Rolfing Structural Integration in which the main focus is on changes the movement patterns and increasing body awareness through simple exercise usually guided with touch or use of simple tools, like tennis balls and elastic bands. It can be a session on its own or can supplement the 10 series.
10 series?
Traditional way of working with a client, in which we go through a process of 10 series, meaning 10 sessions. Each session focuses on different aspect of the movement and area of the body, and also builds on what the client learnt in the previous session. It is a great way to learn and explore your own relationship with your body, as well as allow the body to reorganize and changes compensations and habitual movements. It is a transformative process that leads to better posture and quality of being,
Does it hurt?
Rolfing has a reputation of being very painful, yet the method has changed since the times it first evolved, and now as the community knows more about the nervous system and trauma and pain itself, we updated our methods. The work sometimes might feel uncomfortable, yet “no pain, no gain” is not what we are after.
What to bring?
During Rolfing session, the client stays clothed. Bring “Rolfing Uniform” what means comfortable shorts and sports bra or a tank top. Traditionally Rolfers would ask their clients to wear a swimsuit, but it is not necessary. If you prefer more modest outfit, it is possible for me to work through clothing as well. The main goal is to feel comfortable.
What to expect?
The session starts with a quick check in. Then we will do a movement assessment- gait and simple movement activities. After that there is a hand on portion of the session- usually 50-60 minutes, sometimes more sometimes less. The session ends with an integrative piece done in sitting or standing, depending on the needs of the client.